Typesafe Config has well-documented rules for configuration loading which we’ll not repeat. Please see Typesafe Config’s documentation for a full telling of the subtleties and see Loading a Config for alternative sources for configuration files. Because PureConfig uses Typesafe Config to load configurations, it supports reading files in
typesafe config. typesafe(今はlightbend)が作ったconfig読み込みライブラリ. 前置き. 自分自身がなんとなく使っていたものなので、整理しようと書きました; Scalaで使ってます; なに? 依存ライブラリなしのjavaで書かれた設定系ライブラリ
It reads Typesafe Config configurations written in HOCON, Java.properties, or JSON to native Scala classes in a boilerplate-free way. Sealed traits, case classes, collections, optional values, and many other types are all supported out-of-the-box. Users also have many ways to add support for custom types or customize existing ones. This project provides Eclipse toolings for editing configuration files in Hocon format (coloquially called Typesafe Config). "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.2" In the application, the configuration is an instance of the Config class, loaded using the ConfigFactory class. Without arguments, it loads the configuration file from its default location ( application.conf ), but we will soon see how to specify the file to the Spark driver and executors. configuration library for JVM languages using HOCON files License: Apache 2.0: Categories: Configuration Libraries: Organization: com.typesafe Typesafe Config is a simple and powerful tool.
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├── moduleA.conf ├── moduleB.conf └── myApp.conf 0 directories, 3 files. Typesafe Config has several default configuration locations it looks when loading through ConfigFactory.load(); but we are big fans of making everything explicit. It's preferred if the the configs that were being loaded are listed right there when we call it. Config defaultConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources("defaults.conf"); Typesafe Config is able to parse many durations and allows you to convert it to any other duration using TimeUnit.
typesafeconfig的使用 #1、加入依赖包 config-1.2.1.jar#2、加载配置 ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File("resource/t TypeSafe Config使用 - 牛哥学coding - 博客园 首页
SQLServerDriver # Spark specific configuration options spark.sql.hive.metastore.version
dtksettings: Dtk Settings is a module of Dtk, which can generate user config type-safe C++ Entity Component System, efterfrågades för 2320 dagar sedan.
Config and ConfigObject are two ways to look at the same internal data structure, and you can convert between them for free using Config.root () and ConfigObject.toConfig (). Typesafe/Hocon config: variable substitution: reference path. We have a project with huge configuration files built using hocon configs.
Sealed traits, case classes, collections, optional values, and many other types are all supported out-of-the-box. Users also have many ways to add support for custom types or customize existing ones. This project provides Eclipse toolings for editing configuration files in Hocon format (coloquially called Typesafe Config). "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.2" In the application, the configuration is an instance of the Config class, loaded using the ConfigFactory class.
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Typesafe Config advocates that all configuration keys must be declared in your .conf files, including the default values. Play itself is using reference.conf files to declare default values for all the possible configurations. It reads Typesafe Config configurations written in HOCON, Java.properties, or JSON to native Scala classes in a boilerplate-free way. Sealed traits, case classes, collections, optional values, and many other types are all supported out-of-the-box.
I hope, after this
The following examples show how to use com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory. These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the
@param config {@link Config} to serialize to a String * @return JSON-like representation of properties in the configuration, excluding those * inherited from the
The Scala Configuration API. Play uses the Typesafe config library, but Play also provides a nice Scala wrapper called Configuration with more advanced Scala
config - configuration library for JVM languages using HOCON files. Jan 7, 2019 Using command-line arguments is limited.
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#akka #scala #java #typesafe Introducing #SpringIntegration #Scala DSL: http://bit.ly/w9XBOY <-- Strongly typed alternative to XML config, 1st class
scalatest_2.11 3.0.4 test org.apache.avro avro 1.8.2 com.typesafe config 1.3.1 org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-api 5.3.2 test com.github.tomakehurst wiremock-jre8 CTO Typesafe. Twitter : @jboner use host & port in config. Actor.remote.start() •If no deployment configuration exists then actor is deployed as local.